The Epistle (10/18/24)
Recap of TGC's Discipling the Next Generation
For the next 6 weeks, Ursula will be taking an online course through The Gospel Coalition called "Discipling the Next Generation". The content is so good that she'll be sharing the highlights with us over the Epistle for the next few weeks.
Week 3:
Week 3:
Friday, October 25th 2024
Assist Pregnancy Center is hosting its annual banquet dinner at the Falls Church Fairview Park Marriott on Friday, October 25th featuring ministry updates, stories from families, and opportunities to partner in this life-saving work. If you would like to attend on behalf of Cornerstone in support of this lifesaving and life giving work, please contact before October 20.
Fall Festival
Saturday, October 26th, 1-4pm
Hi Church Family! Cornerstone's Fall Festival will be on Saturday, October 26th, 1-4pm. It's a tremendous amount of fun and we need a lot of helping hands.
Please sign up to run a station for 1.5 or 3 hours. Unless noted, Ursula will provide all of the supplies needed. When signing up, please indicate if you will be taking the first or second hour. Thanks!
*If you sign up for the first half, please arrive 10 minutes early. Thanks!
Please sign up to run a station for 1.5 or 3 hours. Unless noted, Ursula will provide all of the supplies needed. When signing up, please indicate if you will be taking the first or second hour. Thanks!
*If you sign up for the first half, please arrive 10 minutes early. Thanks!
Legacy Grandparenting Summit 2025
Friday, February 21st or Saturday, February 22nd 2025
Early-Early-Bird discounted registration is now open for the Legacy Grandparenting Summit, February 21 or 22, 2025. Capital Baptist, Annandale is a host site this year. This conference is for those who want to see your grandchildren follow Christ, who desire to leave a lasting
legacy of love, and who want to influence generations of your family for Christ. Never attended this conference before? Talk to Steve or Darlene Nye. Go to to learn more and register.
legacy of love, and who want to influence generations of your family for Christ. Never attended this conference before? Talk to Steve or Darlene Nye. Go to to learn more and register.
Save the Date!
Sunday, November 10th, 6pm - Fellowship Hall
Join us as we come together for a good ol’ potluck dinner sponsored by Sunday School classes. We will gather at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your favorite dish to share, hot or cold.
Join us as we come together for a good ol’ potluck dinner sponsored by Sunday School classes. We will gather at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your favorite dish to share, hot or cold.
Sunday, December 8th, 6pm - Fellowship Hall
Mark your calendars for December 8th, 6pm, for a Christmas Dinner! More details will be coming.
Children's Ministry Update
Posted in The Epistle