The Epistle (4/19/24)
Vacation Bible School (VBS): Volunteer Sign Ups by May 1st
We plan on hosting Vacation Bible School this year on August 5th-9th, 9:30am-12:15. Please let Ursula know how you can serve during the week by singing up by May 1st. Early responses help us in our planning, as we need to be sure we have enough volunteers to move forward. Thanks for serving and helping to share the gospel with our kids!
Challenge Conference Fundraising
On July 1-6th there will be 20 students and 4 leaders headed out to the EFCA’s national youth conference in Kansas City Missouri. In order to make this trip happen we as a group need to fundraise $11,000 which helps offset the conference and travel costs. Our first fundraiser is Rent-A-Student, where you can donate to the trip by having students help with yard work, babysitting, etc. Beginning April 14, students will be at a table in the narthex with a sign up sheet, so you can connect with them there, or use the button below. If you have any questions please reach out to Pastor Ryan at
Assist Pregnancy Center Walk/Run/Ride for Life
Assist Pregnancy Center provides no-cost medical and counseling care to support women and men experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and to protect vulnerable children. You can help save more lives by joining Assist as a walker, runner, or cyclist for the Walk Run Ride for Life 2024 happening April 20th-May 4th! Click below to register yourself, your family, or to sponsor a participant on the Cornerstone team.
Music Night - April 21st, 6:30pm
Join us for "Making Music with Friends." Sunday evening April 21 at 6:30 in the Sanctuary. The evening will include congregational singing and also a few instrumental and vocal presentations by musicians within our congregation. An informal dessert fellowship in the Narthex will follow. No registration necessary!
Fulaa Lifeline Ministry Update — April 28th, 6:00pm
On April 28th, Fulaa Lifeline will join with the Sudanese African Fellowship for a Fulaa ministry update including the October 2023 visit to the Cornerstone Children’s Home in Adjumani, Uganda. We’ll be meeting at Cornerstone in the Fellowship Hall (upstairs in the Education Building) at 6pm. Fulaa has been asked by a number of Cornerstone members to provide an update and this event is a great opportunity to learn and enjoy great fellowship. Please join us. Reach out to Samuel or Esther Juma or Steve Nye to learn more
Ushers, Communion, and Tech Team Training — May 4th, 9:00am
There will be a training session at 9:00 AM on Saturday, May 4th in the Narthex and Sanctuary for all those currently serving as Ushers, Communion Preparers, and on the Tech Team, as well as anyone interested in learning how to serve in any of these role. We'll begin by addressing safety issues, including AED training and general first aid, then breaking into groups for specific training for Ushers, Communion Preparation, Sound Board, Slides, and Video/Camera Operations. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, click the button below to contact Pat Frakes, our Deacon for Worship.
Women's Testimony Brunch — May 11th, 9:00-11:00am
Please join us on Saturday, May 11th from 9-11am for our next Women’s Testimony Brunch. We are delighted to hear from two of our Cornerstone missionaries, Esther Horner and Anissa Tyler. If making or contributing food is a delight for you, please let Robyn know so she can help coordinate our gathering.
YLVS Service Opportunity — May 11th, 11:00am
We also have a unique opportunity to serve our local Young Lives chapter directly following the brunch (11am-1pm). We need many volunteers to help us sort donations and set up for our Spring “Pop up” shop for teen moms. We are collecting donations now for “like new” kids clothing (spring/summer only), car seats, strollers, toys, books, sheets/towels, etc. You can also help us meet urgent needs by purchasing items like diapers our YLVS Amazon Wish List. All women, high school girls, and friends are welcome! RSVP preferred, but not required.
Posted in The Epistle