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Adult Ministries

We help one another follow Jesus.

We believe that God does extraordinary work in our lives through ordinary means. Acts 2:42 describes the early church as "devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers" and that as a result Christians were built up in their faith and the number of disciples multiplied. Our adult ministries focus on these basic building blocks of the Christian life as we help one another follow Jesus, trusting that it is by these ordinary means that God builds up his people.

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:30am we offer several adult Sunday School classes. The purpose of these classes is help us follow Jesus by laying foundation of Scriptural truth in our lives. The classes offer an interactive teaching environment with plenty of opportunity for questions and answers. Some classes are ongoing, while others are topical and occasional. You can see the classes we're currently offering by using the button below.

Community Groups

The New Testament is full of commands of what Christians are to do with and for "one another." One of the ways that we seek to live out those commands is in community groups—groups of about 8-15 where we can develop deeper relationships and help one another follow Jesus. If you're interested in join a community group, please fill out the interest form at the link below and our Deacon for Discipling Ministries will be in touch to help you get connected.

Bible Studies and Discipleship Groups

We believe that God causes us to grow through his Word being applied to our lives by his Spirit through the ministry of his people over time. One of the ways this can happen is through regularly studying the Bible and biblically-based books with one another. We have several Bible studies and discipleship groups for both men and women that meet at various points throughout the week. Because these groups change with some frequency, the best way to learn more is to contact our Deacon for Discipling Ministries using the button below.


Throughout the year we offer a number of opportunities beyond Sunday mornings, some geared especially for newcomers, some geared for men or women, and others for the whole congregation. Click below to see a list of our upcoming events. We'd love to see you there!

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