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Gospel people have glad and generous hearts.

The book of Acts describes the first Christians as being marked by having "glad and generous hearts" (Acts 2:46). This is no doubt because they had been saved by the overwhelming generosity of God, whose grace abounds and overflows to us through Christ.  Such a generous God, who has saved by his generous grace, ought to have a generous people. We encourage all our members to give willingly, generously, cheerfully, sacrificially, and regularly to the work of ministry as an act of worship.

Ways To Give

Give Online

One of the easiest ways to give is by giving online. You can click the button above to set up your online giving, either as a one-time or regular gift. Please note the information below on fees. If you choose to give online or through bill pay, we encourage you to do it thoughtfully, and to reflect on your gift to the Lord during the offering time in our worship service as an act of grateful worship.

Give In Person

If you would prefer to give in person, you may do so during the offering portion of our service as the baskets are passed, or you may put your gift into the offering box located next to the bookstall in the narthex. If you would like offering envelopes to organize your giving, please contact us.

Mail A Check

You may also mail your gift to the church as a check. Please make your check out to
Cornerstone, an Evangelical Free Church
3901 Gallows Road
Annandale, VA 22003

A Note on Giving and Fees

Online giving will support both debit card and E-check/ACH giving. Debit card gifts will be charged a fee of 3.0% plus $0.30 per transaction.  E-check/ACH gifts will be charged 1.0% plus $0.30 per transaction.  These charges will be applied to the church, not to you.  For this reason, we encourage users of online giving to give by E-check/ACH, since more will be applied to ministry as opposed to transaction fees.

Both one-time gifts and recurring/automatic gifts are supported though this service.  Automatic and recurring giving will require you to set up a simple account.

If you desire an automatic, recurring giving option, please consider giving to Cornerstone through your bank’s online bill-pay service.  The majority of banks will allow you to make recurring gifts to Cornerstone through this service free of charge, in the same way as you might automatically pay a utility or credit card bill.  This will require you to list Cornerstone as a payee in your bill-pay service, and provide an address.  Banks commonly mail paper checks free of charge through this service on behalf of their clients, and some members of Cornerstone already give in this way.  This is the lowest cost (free to both parties) option that still accommodates the convenience of automatic and recurring giving.

Cornerstone is a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations to the church are tax-deductible. 

Have more questions about giving?