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This Week in Children's Ministries

This Week in Children's Ministries
The Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 26th, 1-4pm.  Wear your costumes, play games, and have a great time!  Bring your friends!
Parenting Forum Update
I just love it when the Holy Spirit helps us to see things in God's Word that we haven't noticed before.  I finished Exodus yesterday, so guess what I started reading today.  You guessed it: Leviticus.  It's known to be pretty low on the "Favorite Books of the Bible List".

But!  Today I read Leviticus 1-7, and I noticed something, probably because I have the Parenting Forum in my head and heart.  There was a pattern: (shortened for sake of space, but check it out in your Bibles)

If anyone sins... then realizes his guilt... sin offering...  atonement... forgiven

The "realizes his guilt" stood out to me in particular because of what we have been discussing in the Parenting Forum.  As christian parents, it's our responsibility and privilege to point our children to the grace and mercy of God.  BUT!  How will they understand the depths of His mercy and grace without seeing their sin, and their need of His merciful and gracious salvation?

That's where we come into play: (Even though we sin everyday) We know what is right and what is wrong, based on God's Word.  We help our children to see their sin and point them to Jesus, who has atoned for our sins. Pretty much everyday, without fail, there will be some point where we have the opportunity to show them their sin and also show them Christ.  It's pretty great to know that we have the chance to share the gospel each day with our children. (We just need to remember how great it is, even when it's the 100th time that we've corrected them.  Parenting is a long process.  Don't grow weary.)
This week we'll be talking about Authority and Foolishness. 
Join us! 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

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