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Children's Ministries Update 6/13/24

Reading and Praying through Scripture this Summer
Do you, like me, know that we should not be giving God our "laundry list" of prayer concerns, but find that it's so difficult to break from that habit?
We should not let our busyness take us away from the richness of reading God's Word and praying through it.  
(Or, in the summarized words of Julia Roberts from "My Best Friend's Wedding", let's not settle for Jello when we can have Creme Brulee.)

Let's get creative this summer!  Break it up!  Start a new and wonderful habit.
Read and underline one day, go back to what you underlined and pray the next day...
or...read 1 Psalm a day and pray through it...
or...read 1 chapter a day and pray through it...
What other creative ideas do you have?  Share them on Sunday with each other so that we can build each other up.  
(I had a wonderful time reading through Ephesians and praying for Cornerstone this morning.)
Ephesians 4:15-16
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we (the church) are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.  

Parents!  Remind your K-4th (and even 5th and 6th Graders) to pick up a Children's Bulletin this Sunday!
Save the Dates and Invite your Friends!
June 16th:  The regular Children and Youth Sunday School classes will be taking a summer break

June 16th: All ages Sunday School: Read through the Psalms
(All Adult Sunday School classes welcome children; this is a special summer class)

Miss Mollie Bubble Show!!! June 27th, 7-8pm

  Popsicles on the Playground:  July 14th

http://www.beyondworklifebalance.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/missed-target.jpgVBS:  August 5th-9th, 9:30-12pm

Sunday School Resumes:  August 18th
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