The Epistle (09/27/24)
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see this week's Quote from Church History and download it as a smartphone wallpaper!
Lost & Found
The items in the lost & found bins will be donated on October 1st. If you are missing something, please check. Thanks!
Recap of TGC's Discipling the Next Generation
For the next 6 weeks, Ursula will be taking an online course through The Gospel Coalition called "Discipling the Next Generation". The content is so good that she'll be sharing the highlights with us over the Epistle for the next few weeks.
Week 1:
Week 1:
New Song: "Your Will Be Done"
We'll be singing a new song this weekend: "Your Will Be Done." You can listen to the song below!
Missions Corner: Come Meet Church Leaders from India
On Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30pm, a team of church leaders from India will be in Annandale as guests of Cornerstone EFC and Keith Simmons. They are leaders in Bible Pathways, the EFCA/ReachGlobal program to train domestic and international church leaders to better preach, share and understand the Gospel.
All are invited; please consider joining us in welcoming this group and hear their story. Contact for location details.
All are invited; please consider joining us in welcoming this group and hear their story. Contact for location details.
International Friends has begun the 2024 Fall Semester!
Students gather on Wednesday nights to enjoy fellowship, practice English and join a conversation group - always with an invitation to study the Bible and hear the Gospel. First, they fuel up with a meal. Our students aren't picky - they eat all flavors and cuisines. About half our students are vegetarians, and many do not eat pork/ham/bacon. Each Wednesday, we need a vegetarian meal for 20 and a meat meal for 20.
To provide a meal (consider signing up with your community group to lighten the load), please sign up by clicking the button below!
To provide a meal (consider signing up with your community group to lighten the load), please sign up by clicking the button below!
Choir Beginning Wednesday, September 25
Choir is starting this Wednesday, September 25th 7:00-8:00 with a short time of prayer. Come and serve God through the blessing of music and enjoy the fellowship! Child care can be provided. Reach out to Shirley White if more information is needed:
Missions Corner: Join Peter & Melanie Morris
Sunday, October 6
October 6, please plan to join Peter & Melanie Morris, Cornerstone supported missionaries with ReachGlobal, after church service for an update on the LORD's leading and the continued work with ReachGlobal. Throughout Latin America, Australia and the world, the Morrises have made tremendous sacrifices to build up Christ followers and Gospel-centric churches. Let's welcome them, pray with them and enjoy time together in the Youth Building.
Women's Studies
Women's Biblical Theology Study
Wednesdays, 9/25-10/16, 6:30pm to 8pm, Youth Room
Come join us for a 4-week bible study on Wednesday evenings, exploring the Biblical Theology concepts from the Women’s Conference this year. We will practice tracing one biblical theme through the Bible together. No prior experience required! Contact Robyn Entz ( for more details.
Women's Precept Bible Study in the Gospel of John: How well do you know the Son of God?
August 27-December 11, 2024
Are you convinced that what He said about Himself is true? Jesus draws His disciples aside to prepare them for what is to come. In chapters 12-21, learn about His death, burial, and
resurrection, and their significance to your salvation.
Workbooks include the text of John 12-21, in either NASB or ESV. To see the first lesson and
order a workbook online through the Precept website, click on the link: John Bible Study, Part 2 of 2
For more information or to register for the class and order the workbook through the leader,
contact Julianna Mays ( 703-869-8799.
resurrection, and their significance to your salvation.
- Join us for a 15-week inductive study of John 12-21. For our first class, we’ll do an overview of John 1-11 and work through part of the first lesson together.
- Tuesday Evening, 7:00-8:30pm; Aug. 27-Dec. 10, 2024; In-person, Koinonia Room, Sanctuary Building, Lower Floor CEFC
- Wednesday evening, 7:30-8:45pm; Aug. 28-Dec. 11, 2024; ZOOM link sent to participants
Workbooks include the text of John 12-21, in either NASB or ESV. To see the first lesson and
order a workbook online through the Precept website, click on the link: John Bible Study, Part 2 of 2
For more information or to register for the class and order the workbook through the leader,
contact Julianna Mays ( 703-869-8799.
Children's Ministry Update
Quotes from Church History
"We are neither the first nor the smartest to read the Bible."
-Dane Ortlund

"Do not put yourself at odds with the Word of God. For truly it will persist as surely as the Rhine follows its course. One can perhaps dam it up for awhile, but it is impossible to stop it."
-Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531)
-Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531)
Posted in The Epistle