The Epistle (08/23/24)
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see this week's Quote from Church History and download it as a smartphone wallpaper!
International Friends Garage Give Away
Calling all small appliances, clothes, and kitchen utensils. International Friends, a Cornerstone outreach ministry, will host new students to our community on August 24 for a garage giveaway. This is a great opportunity to bless and receive international students attending NOVA. Please consider dropping off these items for donation between 5:00-7:00pm on August 23, or between 10:30-12:30 on August 24 at the church. If you need a different arrangement, please reach out to AJ at for any questions!
Central Union Mission NOVA Open House
This month, Central Union Mission will launch a Northern Virginia outpost at 5401 7th Road, South Arlington to serve with Christ's kindness men and women struggling with homelessness, addiction, and material needs. Please consider join their open house on August 27 from 5-7pm.
Interest Survey for Women
If you would be interested in attending a weekday morning Bible study beginning the third week in September (9/16-9/20), please let us know your logistical and topical preferences by filling out this brief Google survey

Sunday Morning Rides
Our dear sister, Nancy Childress, relies on her church family for rides to and from church. Her address is Olley Ln., Fairfax. Please consider signing up as your calendar allows. Contact for more information:
Biblical Stewardship Sunday School Class (10 weeks)
Starts Sunday, August 25 - 9:30 to 10:30 AM (Koinonia Room)
Finances, like any other aspect of life, should be governed with sound principles. The Bible speaks to those basics in clear ways that lead to a life that is balanced in favor of success and Godliness. Care to learn about this? On Sunday, August 18th we are offering a ten-week class during the Sunday School hour (9:30 to 10:30am). The class will equip you for solid money management by both good principles and effective practices. The materials are from Crown Financial Ministry (a Christian group that has been doing this for 35 years). Contact Steve McIlvaine at or 202-359-2483 for more information, to reserve a seat. If interested but not able to afford the cost of materials let us know so we can help.
Women’s Precept Bible Study in the Gospel of John: How well do you know the Son of God?
August 27-December 11, 2024
Are you convinced that what He said about Himself is true? Jesus draws His disciples aside to prepare them for what is to come. In chapters 12-21, learn about His death, burial, and
resurrection, and their significance to your salvation.
Workbooks include the text of John 12-21, in either NASB or ESV. To see the first lesson and
order a workbook online through the Precept website, click on the link:
John Bible Study, Part 2 of 2 | John 12–21 – Precept
For more information or to register for the class and order the workbook through the leader,
contact Julianna Mays ( 703-869-8799.
resurrection, and their significance to your salvation.
- Join us for a 15-week inductive study of John 12-21. For our first class, we’ll do an overview of John 1-11 and work through part of the first lesson together.
- Tuesday Evening, 7:00-8:30pm; Aug. 27-Dec. 10, 2024; In-person, Koinonia Room, Sanctuary Building, Lower Floor CEFC
- Wednesday evening, 7:30-8:45pm; Aug. 28-Dec. 11, 2024; ZOOM link sent to participants
Workbooks include the text of John 12-21, in either NASB or ESV. To see the first lesson and
order a workbook online through the Precept website, click on the link:
John Bible Study, Part 2 of 2 | John 12–21 – Precept
For more information or to register for the class and order the workbook through the leader,
contact Julianna Mays ( 703-869-8799.
Women's Testimony Brunch
Saturday, September 7 from 9:00 to 11:00am - Youth Room
Please join us on Saturday, Sept 7th from 9-11am for our next Women’s Testimony Brunch. We are delighted to hear from several women who attended the Biblical Theology Women's Conference this year. We will learn more about how the big themes in scripture help us to know God more intimately. Opportunities for diving deeper with these tools will be shared as well.
If making or contributing food is a delight for you, please let Robyn know so she can help coordinate our gathering. All church women, high school girls, and friends are welcome!
If making or contributing food is a delight for you, please let Robyn know so she can help coordinate our gathering. All church women, high school girls, and friends are welcome!
For The Nations DC Need Volunteer
For The Nations DC (FTNDC) has a volunteer position open for teaching English to adult immigrants and refugees. The class meets through the school year on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9-12 at First Baptist Church Alexandria. Training is provided in August. Please message Anissa Tyler @ 325-518-1480 or for more information or to learn of other ways to serve with FTNDC.
YL Eastern Fairfax Fundraiser - BBQ & BINGO

Children's Ministry Update
Quotes from Church History
"We are neither the first nor the smartest to read the Bible."
-Dane Ortlund

"Worship is the fuel and goal of missions. It's the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God's glory."
-John Piper (1946-)
-John Piper (1946-)
Posted in The Epistle