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Next Steps at Cornerstone

Here are some of the next steps you can take to get more connected at Cornerstone!

Gather with us on Sundays.

The heart of our life together is gathering on Sundays to worship the Lord Jesus in spirit and in truth and to build one another up in our faith. This is the single best place to meet people, learn about our congregation, and learn ways to get connected. 

Fill out a Connect Card.

A good way to start a conversation about connection at Cornerstone is by filling out a Connect Card. This will allow you to share some basic information about yourself and give us an opportunity put you in touch with members who can help to connect you into the life of the church.

Join us at an upcoming event.

Throughout the year we offer a number of opportunities beyond Sunday mornings, some geared especially for newcomers, and others for the whole congregation. Click below to see a list of our upcoming events. We'd love to see you there!

Join a community group.

The New Testament is full of commands of what Christians are to do with and for "one another." One of the ways that we seek to live out those commands is in community groups—groups of about 8-15 where we can develop deeper relationships and help one another follow Jesus. If you're interested in join a community group, please contact our Deacon for Discipling Ministries using the button below.

Join a Bible study or discipleship group.

We believe that God causes us to grow through his Word being applied to our lives by his Spirit through the ministry of his people over time. One of the ways this can happen is through regularly studying the Bible and biblically-based books with one another. We have several Bible studies and discipleship groups for both men and women that meet at various points throughout the week. Contact our Deacon for Discipling Ministries to learn more.

Become a member.

Church membership is the public statement that you are a believer in Jesus Christ and that you are committing yourself to a particular community of other believers in a local church. We believe that joining a church as a member is an important part of a Christian's discipleship. If you want to make Cornerstone your church home, then membership is for you! We typically offer our 3-part Membership 101 class several times a year. Register for the next one below!

Not sure where to start?