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We are committed to one another.

If Cornerstone is your church home, then membership is the next step for you!

What is church membership?

Church membership is far more than a mere formality. It is the public statement that you are committing yourself as a believer in Jesus Christ to the leaders and other members in a particular local church. Membership is also a local church's way to recognize and affirm your profession of faith and your desire to be shepherded and cared for by leaders and other members of that church. In short, it puts specific names and faces on all of the Bible's "one another" commands!

Why should churches have meaningful membership?

Who can become a member at Cornerstone?

Evangelical Free Churches have historically been churches whose membership should be made up of "believers only, but all believers." Anyone who professes saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose character and conduct match that profession, who believe our Statement of Faith, and who agree to abide by our Constitution and Bylaws is eligible for membership at Cornerstone. 

How can I become a member at Cornerstone?

To become a member, you'll first need to complete our Membership 101 class, a three-part course typically held on consecutive Sunday mornings during our Sunday School hour (9:30am). You can see when our next Membership 101 class is being held by clicking the button below.

After completing Membership 101, you can fill out a membership application, which will include you writing out a personal account of what you believe about the gospel and how you came to trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Applicants will then meet with two of our elders for a membership interview. If there are no further questions after your interview, the elders will recommend you for membership to the congregation, and the congregation will vote to receive you as members at our next members' meeting.

Have more questions about membership at Cornerstone?