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Children's Ministry Weekly Update (4/26/24)

Dude (Not) Perfect VBS Sign Up Genius!

The results are in!  VBS will be August 5th-9th, 9:30am-12:00pm.
Please sign up by May 1st so that we’ll know if we have enough volunteers to host a VBS this year.  Thanks!

Help me plan for the 2024-25 Sunday School year!

We will be adding a new class this upcoming school year.  Please fill out this ONE question survey about what parenting topics you would like to learn more about.

Save the Dates!

  • Mothers and Daughters Event!  April 28th, at the Higdon’s house.  More details to follow.
  • Popsicles on the Playground!  May 19th
  • Church Picnic!  June 2nd, 12:30-2ish
  • Last Children’s and Youth SS for the School Year: June 9th (Nursery will be available for PreK during the summer)

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