For purposes of these policies and procedures, the following terms apply or are provided for clarity.
Adult - All individuals 18 years of age or older
Approved Ministry Worker - an individual who has successfully completed the criteria defined in CPPP §B.1-3 above and is thus approved to minister to children or support ministry to children at CEFC. For the purpose of this policy, this term applies to all paid CEFC staff, contractors, and volunteers. NB: This term refers specifically to those who are serving in ministry to children at CEFC, not all who serve in any ministry capacity whatsoever at CEFC.
CEFC - Cornerstone, an Evangelical Free Church.
Child – All individuals, newborn through 12th grade. The term includes the plural use of “children.”
Child Abuse and Neglect - An abused or neglected child is one whose parent or custodian creates, inflicts, allows, or threatens physical or mental injury (other than by accidental means). In addition, abuse or neglect has occurred when the parent or custodian:
§ creates a risk of death, disfigurement, or impairment;
§ neglects or refuses to provide the care that is necessary for the child's health (unless being treated according to practices of a recognized religion); or
§ allows a sexual act to be committed against the child.
An abused or neglected child may also be one whose parent or guardian is absent or whose parent is mentally or physically unable to provide care. The definition also applies to unborn children when pregnant mothers abuse drugs or alcohol.
Children’s Ministries - Ministry to children, newborn through 6th Grade
Church Administrator - Administrator of secure files and other office related areas
Contracted Workers/Contractors – Someone that is hired to perform work, such as a worker paid to perform nursery coordinator duties or to perform security duties. Not a member of the CEFC staff.
Crimes of Violence - Defined by the Code of Virginia, this term applies to and includes any of the following crimes or an attempt to commit any of the same, namely, murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, rape, mayhem, assault with intent to maim, disable, disfigure or kill, robbery, burglary, housebreaking, breaking and entering and larceny.
Elders – The oversight of this church is vested in the Pastor and Elders. Oversight of the church includes devotion to prayer and to the ministry of God's Word, shepherding of God's flock, and ministry of managing the church.
Deacons – Deacons are officers of the church elected by the congregation and accountable to the Elders who act as servants supporting and facilitating the church's various ministries.
Kids’ Worship – The class for children, K-3rd Grade, which takes place during the Worship service.
Ministry Leaders – These qualified leaders are appointed by the Elders and affirmed by the congregation to assist the Pastor and Elders with evangelizing unbelievers and discipling believers to maturity in Christ. Currently, appointed ministry leaders include Music Director, Children’s Ministry Director (CMD), International Students Ministry Director(s), African Evangelist and Titus 2 Team. Ministry Leaders report to and are under the direct oversight of the Pastor and Elders.
Officers – Officers of the church include the Pastor (chief executive officer of the church), Elders (includes chairman and vice chairman of the church, appointed by the elders), Deacons, and other appointed officers: Secretary and Vice Secretary of the congregation and Treasurer and Vice Treasurer.
Pastor/Lead Pastor – The lead pastor of CEFC. Responsible for the proclamation of God’s Word, he provides church leadership as undershepherd and servant. As the chief executive officer of the church, he attends to the day-to-day management of the church. He participates with the Elders in exercising oversight over the church. The other pastoral staff and church office staff are responsible to the Pastor.
Prospective Ministry Worker - an individual who desires to minister to children or support ministry to children at CEFC but has not yet completed the criteria defined in CPPP §B.1-3 above, and thus is not yet allowed to serve in this ministry. NB: This refers to those who desire to minister to children at CEFC, not to all who desire to serve in any ministry whatsoever at CEFC.
Sexual Misconduct - This term includes:
§ Child sexual abuse - any contact, communication, activity, relation or interaction between a minor and an adult when the minor is being used for the sexual stimulation or gratification of the adult or of a third person. The behavior may or may not involve physical contact. Non-physical behavior, verbal and electronic communication, including, but not limited to, texts and emails, is also covered under this definition. All sexual behavior between a minor and an adult is deemed to be the result of force, threat or intimidation whether or not consented to by the minor, and is deemed to harm the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health or well-being of the minor.
§ Sexual harassment - unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written, electronic, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
a.) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or a condition of an individual's employment or their continued status in an institution;
b.) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
c.) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
§ Sexual misbehavior - conduct exhibited by obscene or suggestive verbal or non-verbal language or actions, unacceptable visual contact, unwelcome touching or fondling, possession on church property of pornographic or sexually graphic materials, accessing pornographic or sexually graphic web sites on church property that is offensive or injurious to the physical or emotional health of another.
§ Sexual malfeasance - sexual conduct that occurs within a ministerial or professional relationship. Sexual malfeasance includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition is not meant to cover relationships between spouses, nor is it meant to restrict church professionals from engaging with other consenting adults in mutual, social, intimate, or marital relationships.
Youth Ministry – Ministry to children 7th through 12th grade, sometimes also referred to as student ministry