God Keeps His Promises

Part 20 of the Gospel of God: Studies in Paul’s Letter to the Romans – In his grace God has chosen Abraham and his descendants to be his instruments of mercy to bring blessing to the world, but the Israelites as a whole had not received the gracious message of the gospel. Had God gone back on his promises to his people Israel? Not at all, says Paul, for our God keeps his promises. In our passage this morning Paul plays the prophet in revealing God’s purposes, both in the present and in the future, for his own people Israel, confirming once again the faithfulness of our God.

The Faithfulness of God and the Freedom of God’s Mercy

Part 18 of The Gospel of God: Paul’s Letter to the Romans – The wonderful assurance of God’s love at the end of chapter eight turns to a painful reflection on Israel’s rejection of the gospel in chapter nine. At stake in Paul’s mind is the very faithfulness of God, and the discussion of this issue will carry us through chapter eleven. In our passage this morning Paul begins by setting forth a central principle, deals with objections, and gives us a profound perspective on the nature of God’s grace.

A Fiery Furnace

Part 3 of Living as Exiles in a Foreign Land: Considering the Book of Daniel – The pressure to conform can be enormous, whether it comes from a school clique, a corporate office, or a tyrannous government. Sometimes refusal to join in can be costly, but it is then that we discover what we really believe. That’s what our story illustrates this morning, and in the process we learn of three convictions that are essential to godly faithfulness.

A Delicate Diet

Part 1 of Living as Exiles: Considering the Book of Daniel – In our post-Christian culture we must understand that we as believers are no longer the “moral majority.” How shall we navigate the world we now live in? Daniel offers us a model of faithfulness in a hostile land and points us to our faithful God.